Cognition, Convexity, and Category Theory

Two more students in the Applied Category Theory 2018 school wrote a blog article about a paper they read:

• Tai-Danae Bradley and Brad Theilman, Cognition, convexity and category theory, The n-Category Café, 10 March 2018.

Tai-Danae Bradley is a mathematics PhD student at the CUNY Graduate Center and well-known math blogger. Brad Theilman is a grad student in neuroscience at the Gentner Lab at U. C. San Diego. I was happy to get to know both of them when the school met in Leiden.

In their blog article, they explain this paper:

• Joe Bolt, Bob Coecke, Fabrizio Genovese, Martha Lewis, Dan Marsden, and Robin Piedeleu, Interacting conceptual spaces I.

Fans of convex sets will enjoy this!

One Response to Cognition, Convexity, and Category Theory

  1. I hope to try to read that, and as an aside I may have linked to this before but here is another approach to language–but more at the ‘micro’ or ‘syntactic’ level (Chomsky) rather than ‘macro’ or semantics (john searle and others also deal with semantics) , and this uses physics formalism .

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